Dental Implants – A Solution for Tooth Loss

Elder Couple Laughing

Dental implants are an effective way to deal with missing teeth, and prevent further damage to your remaining natural teeth

The loss of a tooth can occur for any number of reasons, be it through an accident, an infection, or even gum disease. For many, the appearance of a missing tooth is quite distressing, but losing a tooth is not just a cosmetic concern; there are a myriad of problems which can arise from the loss of a tooth.

Once a tooth is gone, the bone which served as the base of the tooth starts deteriorating in a process known as resorption. Should the tooth not be replaced in a timely manner the consequences can be quite severe; it may even include the loss of more teeth. But thanks to the wonders of modern dentistry, the team at Brisbane Dental Implant Group can help you regain both the look and function of your smile.

How dental implants prevent further tooth loss

Prevention of jaw deterioration

Jaw deterioration occurs as the cells in the bone are left unstimulated following the loss of a tooth it once supported. The roots of your teeth and the pressure they exert are what stimulates the bone; without this, the body thinks the bone isn’t required. Over time, the bone in the jaw can deteriorate to the point where patients are left with a sunken or hollowed appearance, even at quite a young age. This isn’t limited to multiple tooth loss cases either; the loss of just one tooth is enough. However, through the addition of a dental implant, it’s possible to halt this deterioration.

Preventing further tooth loss

Teeth are anchored into your gums by a network of roots and are also supported by the teeth which are on either side of them. This support system is compromised once a tooth has been lost. If the missing tooth is located in the middle of other teeth, it’s the natural inclination of other teeth in the vicinity to try to close the gap.

These teeth can then begin to become malpositioned and even loose as their support network has shifted, leaving them somewhat unstable. The shifting teeth are also then far more susceptible to decay and, as a result, are at further risk of also being lost. This process can be immediately halted by replacing the missing tooth with a dental implant, reinstating the support the other teeth require.

The dental implant procedure

Phase 1

This phase is dependent on whether the patient has enough viable bone present at the site where the implant is to be placed. If they do not, a bone graft may be required before this phase can commence.

Should there be ample bone available for the implant, phase one involves the placement of the dental implant – a biocompatible titanium rod – into the site.

This is performed at the practice and only a local anesthetic is required in order to provide the patient with the most comfortable experience possible. Dr Michael Howard and the team at Brisbane Dental Implant Group are highly trained in the procedure and the surgical techniques needed to perform it.

The healing period following first phase treatment is between three to six months, allowing the dental implant to properly fuse to the jaw bone, and take the first steps to prevent further tooth loss.

Phase 2 

Now the implant is placed, it will mimic a natural tooth root and the next step is to fit your new tooth or teeth to it. Dental implants are unique to each patient’s needs and can be used to replace single, or multiple teeth. If it is a single tooth implant, an abutment and a crown will be fitted. If the implant is to replace two or three teeth, you’ll instead required a bridge.

At Brisbane Dental Implant, our crowns and bridges are individually crafted in our on-site laboratory to perfectly suit your needs, and blend with your natural teeth. In fact, most people will not be able to pick that it’s not your natural tooth.

Dental implant treatment with Brisbane Dental Implant Group

If you suffer from tooth loss, it is never too late to treat the problem and prevent further damage.

Following a thorough consultation with the team at Brisbane Dental Implant Group, recommendations and a treatment plan which is tailored to best deal with your tooth loss will be created. We’re then able to implement your entire treatment under the one roof, making the process much more streamlined and efficient for you.

Should you require any more information on dental implants, or if you wish to book a consultation, please contact us today.

Want more information on how we can replace your missing teeth or dentures?

  • Phone (07) 3244 2400
  • Address 19 Emlyn Street
    Coorparoo QLD 4151
  • Hours
    Monday to Thursday8:30am – 4.30pm
    Friday8:30am – 3:30pm
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Expressions of Interest
Dr Michael Howard invites like-minded medical professionals to join him in an implant study group