Why Are Implant-Secured Dentures So Effective?

Dental Implant Between Natural Teeth

Brisbane Dental Implant Group provides all your implant treatments under one roof with no need to make multiple appointments with other dental professionals or any confusion as to where you should go next.

Our highly experienced team is with you from start to finish. This means a more streamlined and efficient treatment solution to give you back your beautiful smile. Dental implant treatment treats both the cosmetic and functional issues associated with the loss of one or many teeth. In terms of its efficacy, dental implants have surpassed conventional treatments such as bridges or dentures. We are now able to surgically implant small titanium rods that are biocompatible with your natural biology, into your jawbone, that act as a powerful artificial tooth root for your new prosthetic tooth.

Our Approach to Implant Dentistry

Our team of highly skilled implant dentists and specialists put us in the unique position of being able to provide our patients with a comprehensive range of treatments and services to people of all ages. Whether you require s single tooth dental implant or a full arch restoration, we will work with you to find the best possible solution to restore your smile. The difference between us and other dental practices is the establishment of our Centre of Excellence for implant dentistry. This means not only are we fully focused on providing you with superior care, we are also able to provide you with the necessary solutions from one location.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants provide patients with a raft of benefits because of the way they allow implant professionals to treat tooth loss and the subsequent concerns. By tackling the problem at its root, so to speak, we can use dental implants to rectify both the form and functional difficulties associated with tooth loss. Losing a tooth can be an embarrassing and disheartening thing to happen. However, dental implants can help to rejuvenate your smile and to improve not only the way that others see you, but the way in which you see yourself. Dental implants can also help to better your speech as many patients who suffer from tooth loss experience slurring and mumbling brought on by the facial muscles becoming lazy.

The improvement of your general health is something you can also expect to improve as dental implants are secured right into your jawbone, they can effectively replace the full functionality of your natural teeth. This means you can eat and chew all your favourite foods and those that form part of a healthy diet. Sourcing only the highest quality dental implant products means that your prosthetics will last many years and can be treated much the same as your other teeth with regards to cleaning and upkeep.

Dental implants look and feel very similar to your other natural teeth and as a result of their fusing with your jaw bone, are totally fixed. They can also help to stave off the effects of premature ageing that can occur when we lose a tooth as the jaw bone begins to dissolve when it is no longer stimulated by the presence of a tooth. Dental implant recovery time is relatively minimal and there are very rarely complications in the procedure.

Dental Implants from Brisbane Dental Implant Group

With us, your dental care needs are always prioritised. We ensure all our patients feel valued and treat them with attentiveness and compassion while helping as best we can to prepare for dental implants. We don’t lecture our patients, we respect your decisions and instead, we listen carefully to your thoughts and concerns and try our very best to educate you on how modern implant dentistry can benefit your self-esteem, your quality of life and your appearance. Ethical dentistry is one of our cornerstones and any recommendations that are made, are done so solely with your best interests in mind.

To experience superior dental implant care or to find out more about our dental implant treatments, please click here.

Want more information on how we can replace your missing teeth or dentures?

  • Phone (07) 3244 2400
  • Address 19 Emlyn Street
    Coorparoo QLD 4151
  • Hours
    Monday to Thursday8:30am – 4.30pm
    Friday8:30am – 3:30pm
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Expressions of Interest
Dr Michael Howard invites like-minded medical professionals to join him in an implant study group